Genetic trait testing

We identify genes that can assist you in making more informed decisions around mating and breeding, enhancing the health and welfare of your animals.

Tropical Beef Bundle:

  • Bovine VERSA 50K
  • Poll/Horn
  • Pompes
  • Bovine Myostatin 9 Variants

Bos Taurus Bundle:

  • Bovine VERSA 50K
  • Poll/Horn
  • Bovine Myostatin 9 Variants

Hereford Bundle:

  • Requires Bovine VERSA 50K
  • Hypotrichosis (HY)
  • Idiopathic Epilepsy (IE)
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)

Angus Bundle:

  • Requires Bovine VERSA 50K
  • Contractual Arachnodactyly (CA)
  • Neuropathic Hydrocephalus (NH)
  • Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM)
  • Developmental Duplication (DD)
  • Osteopetrosis (OS)
  • Alpha-Mannosidosis (MA)
  • Oculocutaneous Hypopigmentation (OH)
  • Coat Colour Black

Wagyu Bundle:

  • Requires Bovine VERSA 50K
  • Chediak Higashi Syndrome (CHS)
  • Factor XI deficiency (FXI)
  • Perinatal weak calf syndrome (IARS)
  • Spherocytosis (SP or B3 mutation)
  • Claudin 16 Deficiency, Renal Tubular Dysplasia (CLD16)

Individual Beef Cattle Health Traits (Bovine VERSA 50K):

  • Contractual Arachnodactyly (CA)
  • Neuropathic Hydrocephalus (NH)
  • Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM)
  • Developmental Duplication (DD)
  • Osteopetrosis (OS)
  • Bovine Myostatin 9 Variants
  • Hypotrichosis (HY)
  • Idiopathic Epilepsy (IE)
  • Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
  • Mandibulofacial Dysostosis (MD)

Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV)/ PestiVirus

Our PestiVirus (BVDV) testing is currently outsourced to Swans Veterinary Services who run the largest and most accurate BVDV lab in Australia. Collectively, our BVDV services come with free consultancy and management advice. A separate sample in the submission is required for this test.

Phenotypic traits:

  • Black Coat Colour
  • Red Coat Colour
  • Poll/Horn