Our accreditations

We sit across numerous international committees and steering groups that ensure drive and test techniques around tech and innovation ensure they are regulated and proven techniques

The science aligns with regulatory bodies  

Internationally recognised breeding programmes in various countries, work is transferable

Our accreditations

ICAR Accreditation Certificate – SNP genotyping

ISAG Certificate of Participation – Equine STR Typing

ISAG Certificate of Participation – Bovine STR Typing

ISAG Certificate of Participation – SNP DNA Typing

INAB Accreditation Certificate

INAB Schedule of Accreditation

Our quality policy statement

  • Weatherbys Scientific is committed to good professional practice and to the quality of its testing in servicing our customers.
  • Weatherbys Scientific provides the highest possible standard of service for the customer by maintaining consistent high quality in all work undertaken.
  • The purpose of the management system in relation to Quality is to provide accurate high quality results to the customer.
  • All personnel concerned with test activities within Weatherbys Scientific have familiarised themselves with the quality documentation and implement these policies and procedures.
  • The management is committed to complying with this International Standard and to continually improving the effectiveness of the management system.
  • It is the policy of Weatherbys Scientific that tests and services shall always be carried out in accordance with stated standardized methods and/or our client’s requirements.

The Laboratory shall also

  • Ensure high quality and timely analyses of samples received.
  • Meet consistently the requirements and expectations of our clients.
  • Communicate regularly with customers seeking feedback, and to attend relevant Industry meetings.
  • Promote quality awareness among employees at all levels within the laboratory.
  • Achieve and maintain a level of quality that enhances the laboratory’s reputation.
  • Review the continued suitability of the Quality Policy, revising as appropriate at regular intervals.
  • Actively seek improvement opportunities to the Quality System