

Our Ovine Services are strategically aligned with Sheep Genetics Australia to achieve valuable and informative ASBV generation for breeders and producers of meat and fibre.

Our work in the ovine sector has grown as part of our ever-expanding portfolio to become one of our major service offerings.

Our expert staff are on hand to meet demand, with our new Ovine Series III 60K chip.

Sheep Genetics is the genetic evaluation service of the Australian sheep and goat industries. Using our genomic results, they create Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBVs) to help you make decisions on breeding and buying animals.

Weatherbys Scientific can coordinate your Parentage, Poll horn testing and ASBVs from Sheep Genetics as well as inclusion on Genomics into Lambplan or Merino Select.  

You can read more about Sheep Genetics Australia via the links below:

Genomics Explained

Getting Started - Key Steps

OTHER SPEcies we service

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Our services:

Genetic trait testing

Our laboratory provides an Ovine Series III 60K genotyping service and includes all MLA fees for submission into Sheep Genetics.

Genetic trait testing - ovine

Genomic testing

Our laboratory provides a genotyping service across a wide variety of Illumina and ThermoFisher Genotyping arrays and GBS platforms. Our platforms are used to produce genomic breeding values and genome wide association studies, enabling you to breed healthier more productive animals.

Genomic testing - Ovine

Parentage verification

Ensuring parentage is correct is critical to breeding planning and ensuring the integrity of animal identity. We can confirm parentage using our genomic testing technologies.

Parentage verification

Species Consultancy

Would you like expert advice on how our DNA services can benefit you?

Back to our services

Our passion and focus is the improvement of your animal’s health, welfare & production. We offer a range of multi-species professional and testing services.